Introducing MANTA for MARAC Teams

MANTA is a multi-agency platform for MARAC teams.
Designed by frontline MARAC workers to improve engagement, service delivery and accountability

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Under the Domestic Abuse Bill Local Authorities will be bound to provide safe and needs led support to all adults and children impacted by domestic abuse.


Disconnected processes and applications are preventing information from being shared, safety is not being secured and need is not being met.


MANTA provides a purpose built communications and action planner to support the actions that reduce risk.

What is MANTA?

Secure Platform

MANTA is a secure web based application that enables professionals to deliver fast and efficient inter-agency working.

Be Responsive

MANTA supports online meetings,  action planning, alert notifications and tracking of activity.

Virtual MARAC Teams

All services make up one team using one shared space.

You can expect:

1. Increased agency engagement
2. Expedited response to high risk cases
3. Earlier,  trauma informed interventions
4. Significant reduction in ongoing costs across services

The Domestic Abuse Bill and MARAC Teams

The MANTA system provides framework to meet the legal requirements of the Bill.

The Domestic Violence Scheme Claire's Law
will be given a statutory footing, with an emphasis on increasing its use across all local authorities.

MANTA provides a DVDS referral pathway and multi-agency decision making process.

This partnership process has the added benefit of reducing the risk and cost of subsequent litigation

GDPR and Data Security

MANTA is built on the Halo platform, an enterprise level CMS solution built to industry security standards.

Data encryption, firewalls and 24hr system monitoring ensure the safekeeping of your sensitive data.

  • UK Certified Data Centres
  • GDPR Compliant
  • ISO27002 Accredited Hosting
  • Full Data Audit Tool
  • Penetration Tested
  • Nightly Backups
  • Cyber Essentials Plus
  • NHS Data Security and Protection Toolkit

MANTA Integration Team

MANTA Integration Team

The MIT provide start up guides, workshops and training to support the implementation of your virtual MANTA team system.

MARAC Experience

The team includes ex-IDVAs, MARAC Chairs and System Integration Specialists.

Process Monitoring

The MIT will be able to track progress over the first few weeks to provide any necessary support and advice.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a research and risk profile?

Yes, all MARAC members can contribute to the research form and create a DASH risk profile.

Can we make referrals straight into MANTA?

Yes, all MARAC members can create referrals in the system for allocation to forthcoming meetings.

Is MANTA really any better than DASV CMS systems?

The DASV CMS provide some basic logging of tasks for routine meetings but MANTA provides a different level of functionality. So yes, it really is much better, but we're biased. You can use MANTA for just meetings and move gradually towards a rolling referral and action model.

Can MANTA help with performance management?

Monitoring attendance, engagement and completion of tasks is a key requirement. Client outcomes are harder to measure but the Data Explorer and graphic dashboards provide all you need to see how the team and clients are progressing.

Does it integrate with Microsoft Teams?

We are all getting used to MS Teams in 2020. MANTA is not integrated into the Teams meeting itself but it runs well alongside.

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Footwork Solutions
Bridge House
Estover Close
Phone Number: 01752 547385